PARKVILLE, Mo. (W1N) — Platte County officials held a ribbon cutting Friday to celebrate the opening of a new section of the Brush Creek Trail in Parkville.
“Many things done in Platte County are based on partnerships, and this is no exception,” said Parks and Recreation Director Daniel Erickson. He explained the county partnered with the Park Hill School District to integrate this section into the construction of Angeline Washington Elementary. The City of Parkville has also partnered with the county to maintain the trail.
The trail stretches about 2 miles along Brush Creek from River Road to Creekside, with sidewalks connecting it to the Southern Platte Pass.
Funding for the project came from the quarter-cent parks and stormwater sales tax approved by voters in 2020.
Another project is currently out for bid to connect the trail with the Thousand Oaks neighborhood.